HTML editing

Html editing can added using the HtmlEditor property which enables integration with a number of 3rd party HTML editor libraries such as TinyMCE

Razor code

var companiesForm = new FormModel(DataSourceType.MongoDB, "mongodb", "companies") { DatabaseName = "sample_training", QueryLimit = 10, Insert = true, Delete = true };

companiesForm.Columns = new List() 
    new FormColumn("_id"),
    new FormColumn("name"),
    new FormColumn("permalink"),
    new FormColumn("twitter_username") { HelpText = "This is some help text ..."},
    new FormColumn("crunchbase_url") {ColSpan = 2},
    new FormColumn("homepage_url"){ColSpan = 2},
    new FormColumn("blog_url"){ColSpan = 2},
    new FormColumn("blog_feed_url"){ColSpan = 2},
    new FormColumn("category_code"),
    new FormColumn("number_of_employees"),
    new FormColumn("tag_list"){ColSpan = 4},
    new FormColumn("email_address"),
    new FormColumn("phone_number"),
    new FormColumn("description"){ColSpan = 2},
    new FormColumn("overview") {ColSpan = 4, HtmlEditor = HtmlEditor.TinyMCE }

companiesForm.ClientEvents[FormClientEvent.ConfigureHtmlEditor] = "addLicenseKey";
@(await new DbNetSuiteCore.FormControl(HttpContext).Render(companiesForm))