Form input controls

The Columns is used to specify the columns that can be edited in the form. Each column in defined by a FormColumn object which has a range of properties that can be used to control the behaviour of the form element.

Razor code

var filmForm = new FormModel(DataSourceType.SQLite, "Sakila", "Film") { Insert = true, Delete = true };

filmForm.Columns = new List()
    new FormColumn("Film_Id"),
    new FormColumn("Title"){ColSpan = 3 },
    new FormColumn("Description"){ColSpan = 4, HelpText = "Use ColSpan to extend the width of the input control within the Grid layout"},
    new FormColumn("Release_Year") {MinValue = 2006, MaxValue = DateTime.Today.Year, HelpText = $"Entered value must be between 2006 and {DateTime.Today.Year}"},
    new FormColumn("Language_Id", "Language") {Lookup = new Lookup("language","language_id","name"), HelpText = "Select against a foreign key table"},
    new FormColumn("Original_Language_Id", "Original Language") {Lookup = new Lookup("language","language_id","name")},
    new FormColumn("Rental_Duration","Duration (days)"){ControlType = FormControlType.Auto,LookupRange = Enumerable.Range(3,5), HelpText = "Use IEnumerable to create number based lookup list"},
    new FormColumn("Rental_Rate") {Format = "C", HelpText = "Use standard .NET formatting"},
    new FormColumn("Length") { ControlType = FormControlType.Number, HelpText = "Make input number only"},
    new FormColumn("Replacement_Cost") {Format = "C", Style = "background-color:whitesmoke", HelpText = "Apply custom styling"},
    new FormColumn("Special_Features") {RowSpan = 2, ControlType = FormControlType.SelectMultiple, LookupList = new List(){"Behind the Scenes","Commentaries","Deleted Scenes","Trailers" }, HelpText = "Select multiple values against a custom list"},
    new FormColumn("Rating") {ColSpan = 1, ControlType = FormControlType.Text, LookupDictionary = new Dictionary(){{"G", "General audiences (G)"},{"PG", "Parental Guidance (PG)" },{"PG-13", "Parents strongly cautioned (PG-13)"},{"R","Restricted (R)"},{"NC-17", "No children under 17 (NC-17)"}}, HelpText = "Create value suggestions with a custom dictionary"},
    new FormColumn("Last_Update") { DataType = typeof(DateTime), ReadOnly = true, HelpText = "Make input read only"}

@(await new DbNetSuiteCore.Control(HttpContext).Render(filmForm))