Linked grids |
A Select control can also link to a Grid control using the LinkedControl property |
Razor code
var orderDetailsGrid = new GridModel("[Order Details]");
orderDetailsGrid.Columns = new List
new GridColumn("OrderId", "Invoice Line ID") {ForeignKey = true },
new GridColumn("ProductID", "Product") {Lookup = new Lookup("Products","ProductID","ProductName")},
new GridColumn("UNitPrice", "Price") { Format = "c"},
new GridColumn("QUantity", "Quantity"),
new GridColumn("UnitPrice*Quantity", "Cost") { Format = "c", DataType = typeof(Decimal)},
new GridColumn("Discount", "Discount") { Format = "p"},
new GridColumn( "UnitPrice*Quantity* (1-Discount)", "Net Cost") { Format = "c", DataType = typeof(Decimal)},
orderDetailsGrid.Caption = "Order Details";
orderDetailsGrid.PageSize = 5;
var ordersGrid = new GridModel("Orders");
ordersGrid.Columns = new List
new GridColumn("OrderId", "Order ID") {PrimaryKey = true },
new GridColumn("customerid", "Customer ID") {ForeignKey = true },
new GridColumn("employeeid", "Employee") { Lookup = new Lookup("Employees","EmployeeID","coalesce(LastName,'') || ', ' || coalesce(FirstName,'')" ) },
new GridColumn("OrderDate", "Ordered"),
new GridColumn("RequiredDate", "Required"),
new GridColumn("ShippedDate", "Shipped"),
new GridColumn("Freight", "Cost") { Format = "c"}
ordersGrid.LinkedControl = orderDetailsGrid;
ordersGrid.Caption = "Orders";
ordersGrid.PageSize = 5;
var customerSelect = new SelectModel(DataSourceType.SQLite, "Northwind", "customers") { Caption = "Customers", EmptyOption = "Please select a customer", Searchable = true };
customerSelect.Columns = new List
new SelectColumn("CustomerID"),
new SelectColumn("coalesce(CompanyName,'') || ', ' || coalesce(Address,'') || ', ' || coalesce(City,'')") {DataType = typeof(String)}
customerSelect.LinkedControl = ordersGrid;
@(await new DbNetSuiteCore.SelectControl(HttpContext).Render(customerSelect))
@(await new DbNetSuiteCore.GridControl(HttpContext).Render(ordersGrid))
@(await new DbNetSuiteCore.GridControl(HttpContext).Render(orderDetailsGrid))